How to set up Klarna

Klarna is a popular payment method, especially among Swedes. Offering this to your customers can boost credibility and save you time when handling orders.

Last updated: July 2024
Applies to: All Sprii checkout users
Category: Connect your tools: payment

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Read on to learn how to integrate your existing Klarna Checkout agreement with Sprii. Accepting payments through a credible and popular vendor like Klarna can help customers feel safer when completing their orders and leave less admin work for you.

Table of contents

How to connect Klarna to Sprii

Order handling

Understand the payment status

Capture payments

Other relevant reads

Get started with Sprii

Important to note

Don't forget to set up your terms and conditions when doing online sales through Sprii checkout. Do so under your page settings. 

How to connect Klarna to Sprii

Before you begin, please note that the Klarna option we integrate with is "Klarna Checkout", so please ensure that's the account type you have before continuing through this guide.

Step 1 - Activate the integration

Navigate to your page settings and find the Klarna Checkout integration under payment methods. 

Klarna checkout (8)

Activate the integration and choose a title if you'd like, the title is what the customers will see when choosing their payment method in the checkout. Move on to step no.2 to create the username and password.

Step 2 - Create username and password

You can create the username and password in your Klarna account. Log in to your Klarna account and go to settings, where you will find the option 'Klarna API credentials'. 

Klarna checkout (2)Here you will find the option to generate new Klarna API credentials

Klarna checkout (3)
Press the button and confirm that you want to create new credentials. 
Klarna checkout (5)
Pressing 'create credentials' will create the username and password you need to complete the integration. You will only be able to see these credentials once, so please download the file for easy access if needed later. If you close the window before putting the info into Sprii and didn't download the .txt file you will have to start over from step 2 in this guide and create new credentials.

Klarna checkout (6)

Step 3 - Complete the integration setup

Copy and paste the username and password into the corresponding input fields in Sprii. Then simply press 'save', and the integration is done. You can now accept payments through Klarna on your live streams.Klarna checkout (9)


Don't forget that customers can pay immediately, through invoice, or Swish by using the Klarna integration. 

Order handling 

Integrating with Klarna provides the advantage of automatically tracking orders until completion, eliminating the need for manual payment verification. Keep reading to understand the various indicators that show payment status.

Understand the payment status

As the system now monitors the order process to completion, there are also indicators in the order list that provide insights into the payment status of each order.

Klarna checkout (10)

Please refer to the image above and read on for an explanation of the payment status of each order.

Order 1 
For Order 1 there is no indication of payment. As the customer here has an order number it means they opened the basket but never went through the checkout to the payment stage. Read our guide Abandoned Basket Reminder to learn how to send reminders to the customer to complete the order.

Order 2 

For Order 2 we see that the card symbol is red with a line over it. This means that the payment is missing. This could be due to the customer opening the payment window but changing their mind and closing it before completing the payment. They could always go back to finish the payment at another time.

Order 3

For Order 3 we have a red dot by the card icon, this means the payment has gone through and you can prepare the order.

Capture payments

Important to note

Sprii does not have any part of the process in terms of your access to the money once an order is placed. Hence, if you have any inquiries about transfers from your Klarna account to you, please redirect them to Klarna.

Once an order is paid and finalized, like Order 3 in the example shown above, the red dot indicates that the payment must be captured. Your settings in Klarna are likely configured to automatically capture payments, which will deactivate the function of the icon in Sprii.

If you are unsure about your settings in Klarna, you can check by clicking on the card icon with the red dot when an order comes in. If it changes to a green icon, indicating that the order is paid, it means your Klarna account does not automatically capture payments. In this case, you will need to manually go through all paid orders to ensure they are transferred to your Klarna account.