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Facebook now deletes lives after 30 days

Facebook released an update on 19 February 2025, where old lives will be deleted and new ones will only be available for 30 days.

The changes from Facebook mean that your upcoming live shows will be uploaded to your Facebook page for 30 days by default, and after the 30 days are up the video will automatically be deleted from your page and Facebook's servers. 

If you'd like to be able to use the content from your live shows, please make sure to download them before they are deleted. 

Important to note:

With this update, every live video published before 19 February will automatically be deleted from your page. You have until 2 June to download them before they are gone. 

You can read more from Meta in their article here

What you can do: 

  • If you're looking to create an evergreen gallery showcasing all your live streams, our onsite solution is the perfect option. Learn more about the onsite feature here or try it out here.

Here is an example of out onsite feature

  • Download your live video from Facebook before the 30 days are up.
  • Instagram is not affected by this change at the moment, so make sure to repurpose your live there, learn how in our guide here.
  • If you stream through the Sprii Host App (Sprii streaming services), we store the videos for you, and they are available for download from your Sprii account. Here you can use your content to make even more shoppable videos for your page, without having to go live again. Read more in our guide here, or give us a call to learn more!