1. Automate your setup

Product Scraper

If webshop products are not fully integrated to Sprii, you can consider using the Product Scraper to help reduce your workload.

Last updated: January 2024
Applies to: All Sprii users
Category: Automate your setup

💡 Top takeaways

The product scraper eliminates the need for manually uploading product images and typing in the price and name of the product. It effortlessly handles all of these tasks for you.


Table of contents

What is a Product Scraper?

Set up the Product Scraper

Use the Product Scraper

Bulk Scraping


What is a Product Scraper?

The Product Scraper enables Sprii to automatically insert a product's title, price, and product image from a provided product URL. 


Set up the Product Scraper

In this video, you can see just how easy it is to set up the Product Scraper. Below, you can read our guide to the advanced settings if the Product Scraper doesn't work out of the box. 

Advanced settings

Sometimes the Product Scraper needs a bit of customization to work with your specific webshop.
To do this, click on the button that allows you to access the Advanced Configurations.

It should only be necessary to customize the 'Override Scraping Rules' to configure the Product Scraper for your specific webshop.
If you are having trouble with this step please feel free to contact us.

Use the Product Scraper

Create a campaign product in a Sprii campaign and insert the product URL from your webshop.
You can now click the small download button next to the inserted URL and Sprii will automatically insert the product's image, title and price.

Bulk scraping

Another highly efficient way to create all your campaign products is by entering the product URLs in an Excel sheet and then uploading it to Sprii. The process is straightforward. Simply create a blank Excel sheet and write "URL" at the top of the sheet. Then, underneath, insert the URLs of the specific products you want to include.

Now, you have the option to upload the Excel file directly in Sprii, and all the products will be seamlessly imported into your campaign.