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Does Sprii accept misspelled buy codes?

Shoppers sometimes make spelling mistakes or add emojis when writing buy codes as comments in your live show. Sprii now accepts these misspelled buy codes.

In the past, spelling mistakes and emojis in buy codes could potentially have resulted in the user's comment going unregistered, and the product would not be added to their shopping cart. 

But Sprii just got smarter, and now onwards, common spelling mistakes or missing spaces before emojis will be "passed" as an approved buy code. 

As a result, more products will be added into shopping carts, which means more sales for your business!

Here's an example for the most commonly used Danish buy code "ja tak": 


Spell Check - Before and After-

Spelling mistake library 

We're developing a list of common spelling mistakes in the languages that we support. 

Here's are a few examples of the sort of spelling mistakes:


Misspelled buy code Sprii corrects it to this
buy😀  buy
katak ja tak
ka tak ja tak
ja tak👍 ja tak
jatail ja tak
ja tack ja tak
ja til ja tak
ja tal ja tak
jata ja tak
tack ja tack
jatack ja tack
boka bokar
bokad bokar

Help us build our library of buy code spelling mistakes!

Have you noticed customers misspelling buy codes in their comments? 

Feel free to share them with us, so we can continue to build and expand our list of spelling mistakes - making Sprii smarter for you and thousands of companies that use our platform! 

Send an email to support@sprii.io and share your experience with us.