1. Connect your tools
  2. E-commerce: How to integrate and use with Sprii

Integrate Sprii with Magento 2


Important to note

We strongly recommend that the steps for your site deployment are confirmed and executed by your Magento vendor.

Step 1 - Install/update the plugin with Composer API

Open the shell and navigate to the root directory of your Magento installation
Enter the following command:
composer require elisa/product_api
This will install our extension the recommended "Magento way" into your installation's vendor directory. Once done, redeploy your Magento installation. Typically, on a vanilla installation, this comprises running the following steps:
  1. bin/magento maintenance:enable
  2. bin/magento setup:upgrade
  3. bin/magento setup:di:compile
  4. bin/magento setup:static-content-deploy
  5. bin/magento cache:clean
  6. bin/magento maintenance:disable
However, we strongly recommend that the steps for your site deployment are confirmed and executed by your Magento vendor.

Step 2 - Set up API integration

Step 2.1
Navigate to System -> Integration.


Step 2.2
Add new integration

Only Name and Your password is needed

Step 2.3

Adjust API permissions

Enable all permissions related to Sprii (old name ELISA)

Click "Save"

Step 2.4

Activate the integration and allow:

Copy all these settings from Magento to Sprii:


Add the following details:

  • Your Site URL
  • Your Rest Domain / Store Code

Click save

Now you are ready to enjoy the integration between Sprii and your Magento WebShop