1. Connect your tools
  2. E-commerce: How to integrate and use with Sprii

How to set up MyStore

Step 1

Go to https://auth.mystore.no/login

Contact MyStore support and ask them to provide your "Site Name" for Sprii integration. Often it is your store name with a number at the end.

Ask support to add an extra header to your site.
Add this line: 


Step 2

Create a new API token by pressing "Create New Token"


Step 3

Name the API Token "Sprii" and tick the following boxes:

  • Read:products
  • read:images
  • read:product-attributes
  • read:product-variants
  • read:product-specials
  • read:product-options
  • read:orders
  • read:order-products
  • read:order-product-attributes
  • read:order-status
  • read:order-status-history
  • read:order-tags
  • read:order-totals
  • read:manufacturers
  • read:suppliers
  • read:discounts
  • read:product-properties
  • read:webhooks
  • read:product-tags


Step 4

Click create and copy the token to somewhere safe. You will not be able to copy the token again once this window has been closed.


Step 5

Open app.sprii.io

Go to the Page settings E-commerce integration and press MyStore

Step 6

Fill in the site URL to your site EG: https://www.mystore.no

Fill in the "Site Name" you got in step 2. 

Paste the API Token into the field "apiKey" and press save

Finally enable the plugin and press save. You can now begin the synchronization of the products by pressing "Sync products".